a look at presentations from 2018 at Sustainable Kashi, Sebastian FL


B L I S S L I F E !

50 simple ways to find bliss in your garden and serve the surrounding community

Local bartering, letting millipedes make soil, drying local edible seaweeds, planting native plants to feed birds,

and surprising neighbors with fresh fruits and local clay, these are a few of the 50 all-time favorite ways

Andy will share creating the lush love-filled life he is grateful to share from Bamboo Grove, his two-acre homestead in Arcadia


Andy will also lead a wild edible walk at Sustainable Kashi

w i t h   A n d y   F i r k

New Crops for Florida Gardens: Lesser Known Species for a Biodiverse Agroecological Landscape

This talk will discuss crops that have potential to be great options for Florida gardens, but need some work first. These are plants that should produce abundant food if they have a “crop champion” to acquire, select and propagate them. Hopefully people will be inspired to begin working with a new palette of plant species that are waiting for the attention.

w i t h   J o s h   J a m i s o n

Inhabit the Foodshed: Tools for Resilient Communities through Regenerative Agriculture

This session will explore how we have begun to convert underutilized public and civic spaces in our communities into productive landscapes using regenerative practices to meet basic human needs: food, fuel, fiber, “farmaceuticals” and forage/fodder. To do this on a larger scale we will explore setting up partnerships throughout Florida to expand this work in our permaculture network of affiliates.

w i t h   T h a i s   T h i e s e n

Permaculture of Human Relationships

Discover and discuss the application of permaculture principals and how we apply them in relationships. We will discuss community, client, government, family, and personal relationships.

This will be an interactive and lively discussion, that produces good insights and new ideas.

w i t h   D a v i d   A h l g r e n

Living Lightly on the Land

Koreen will talk about strategies for living lightly or going off grid in the city and country, what to focus on first, best edible choices, solar and other energy systems, compost toilets, water catchment, and doing it all in community and regeneratively.

She will share information about the best examples of off grid communities she has lived at, and what she has done in the city and on her farm.

w i t h   K o r e e n   B r e n n a n

Kashi Walk-About

Terry will walk you thru the 80-acre permaculture project of Sustainable Kashi. you will see working systems including a composting system for 80 full-time residents, appropriate technology in the off-grid eco-village, a mature food forest, intensive annual gardens, and much more. He will explain how to start your own closed-loop lifestyle in your backyard. There will be time specified for questions for you to get suggestions on your projects.

w i t h   T e r r y   M e e r

Nature Meditation



Creating a true permaculture paradise requires that only after we have observed and listened can we design a landscape that allows the full expression of nature to be revealed.


Both Saturday and Sunday morning, Ed will lead a guided contemplation designed to awaken our senses to our connection with all life. As we release our preconceived perceptions of our world we begin to see a different world emerge; one that is interdependent, collaborative, caring and inclusive.

w i t h   E d  B o a r d m a n

Ferment Your Food Forest

Learn many ways that fermentation can compliment permaculture practices. Jillian will lead a discussion on the range of benefits that fermentation can offer such as:
*Fermenting your harvest
*Using fermented compost and compost teas to fertilize plants
*Fermenting livestock feed to boost nutrition

There will be fermented foods to sample and a compost tea demonstration during the discussion.

w i t h   J i l l i a n   R o s s

Transition to Permaculture: Scaling Up for Community Resilience

Learn from Transition US Co-Director and certified Permaculture Designer Don Hall about how to effectively apply Permaculture ethics, strategies, and principles to build a thriving movement for community resilience right where you live.

The international Transition Towns Movement was founded in 2005 by UK-based Permaculture teacher Rob Hopkins in order to engage entire communities in implementing Permaculture solutions for a more resilient future. Since that time, the Transition Movement has spread to over 1,200 communities in 50 countries, including 163 official Transition Initiatives located throughout the US. These initiatives have been successfully revitalizing local food systems, strengthening local economies, reducing dependence on fossil fuels, and reweaving the torn fabric of community for more than a decade now.

w i t h   D o n   H a l l

Connecting to the Internet of Rain with Raincube

Founder Anthony Paglino will go over how to design, install, and maintain residential Raincubes which are internet connected rainwater harvesting system for homes and gardens. The Raincube app gives communities real-time water level readings of the Raincube, integrated weather forecast, automated and intelligent watering controls and the ability to manage a community rainwater grid.

Included topics will be how to properly size a system and filter a Raincube, how the Raincube computer works, and a demo of the Raincube Web App. We will close with The Raincube Co-operative, a local water and food marketplace that trades

Raincoin , the digital token backed by physical rainwater. Raincoins can be used to fund Raincube garden installations using a CSA model where shares in future water and food harvests are auctioned off.

w i t h  A n t h o n y   P a g l i n o

How Florida native plants compliment and complete the permaculture design

It’s closing a loop with the local natural environment in acknowledgment and gratitude!

w i t h  B i l l   B i l o d e a u


with Lee Perry

Find out about an urban agriculture program pedaled by bikes, converting underutilized land into micro-farms in the heart of Orlando. Fleet Farming is a program of the Non-Profit IDEAS for Us.
Ideas For Us funds and scales sustainable solutions developed by their free monthly meetings called The Hive which bring people together to generate global positive change.


Growing and Foraging 100% of Your Food

Activist and adventurer Rob Greenfield has just embarked on his newest project- to grow and forage 100% of his food. 365 days without grocery stores or restaurants (even gifts of food or nibbles at a party), Rob will literally connect with every morsel of food that he eats for the entire year. Without land of his own, he gardens the front yards of people in his community and shares his bounty with them. In this talk Rob will discuss how he is living off food from the land and give tips on how you can grow and forage more of your diet!





2017 presentations:

Strategies for intensive, regenerative agriculture in Florida

How do we maximize the yields of our gardens and farms on many levels, by deepening our relationship with and understanding of the land we are working with? Working with nature, we will discuss basics of choosing the best plants for your land, edible and medicinal plants that thrive together, creating food systems that will last, and strategies to protect your crops from Florida-unique challenges. We will touch on yields other than food – wildlife, watershed, community, financial and more, with inspiring examples.

This will be an interactive discussion with opportunity for Q&A with our panel, Koreen Brennan, Bill Bilodeau, Josh Jamison, Andy Firk and Robert Bowden.


Building relationships with your land, neighbors, and community

with Jeff Trapani and Hae-Yuan Chang

Jeff and Hae-Yuan  will be speaking as organizers of Orlando Permaculture. This group began meeting in November of 2014 and has been outgrowing its expectations ever since. Originally formed as a way of getting together and sharing food, Orlando Permaculture has become a source of education, inspiration, and action based projects in the local community. Their group has been led by an evolving team of five dedicated individuals, who share a passion for creating true sustainability and resilience in the local community. Their evolving form has been an organic evolution grown from group discussion, trial and error, and learning from outside organizations/models. It is undoubtedly a transitional time in our global community with growing awareness of environmental, social, and resource issues. This global awareness is creating a renewed desire for local solutions and a renewed admiration for passionate local leaders dedicated to sustainable cultural habits.


with Josh Jamison

This talk will focus on organic and sustainable soil management tactics in poor, sandy Florida soil.  It will cover approaches that cultivate soil microbiology and improve the capacity of the land in ways that meet the permaculture objectives of low-input production and ecological sustainability.  
 Topics covered will include the soil food web, mulch, cover cropping and legumes, compost, biochar and more


with Jay Hardman

 Jay’s presentation will incorporate his career archaeological background of peering into the past with a newfound Permaculture passion for (re)creating our future.  Our ancient forebears developed appropriate technologies that created a human paradise for a long interval… before greed entered the picture. 
There are arguments to be made for its recreation in local microcosms through gift economies that mirror the ancient ways.

Resilience in Disasters

with Koreen Brennan
We all may have our minds on preparing for disaster since Irma, as most people in Florida were affected by her power to some degree or other. Disaster can take many forms such as drought, flooding, temperature extremes, etc, and we are likely to see an increase of them. What are some basic things you can do to protect your permaculture systems in a disaster? How do you protect your trees, house, animals, etc? What can we do on a community basis to plan for disasters? And how can we respond to disasters using permaculture?


with Terry Meer

Join Terry for a discussion about how we communicate with the land around us. The more we embrace the relationship with the earth, the more abundance she will provide. We will explore tools that will help you nurture a strong connection with the soil beneath your feet.


with Andy Firk

Andy will cover various aspects of the unique ecology we observe at the coastal edge of the continental land mass. Topics will include: * Lunar Influences over Tide, * Edible Seaweeds, * Plants and Animals of the Sanddunes, * Habitat Restoration.


with Wendel Martinkovic and Jenny Nazak

Wendel and Jenny will offer practical tips and demo of composting toilet setup and maintenance. They will discuss legal aspects as well. Both of the presenters have extensive experience with humanure composting in both home-scale and festival settings, and there will be plenty of time for Q&A

The Human Role in Healthy Ecosystems

 with Tom Carroll, Jay Hardman and Bill Bilodeau

Observing nature we notice every organism has a role in an ecosystem. What part can we play contributing to resilience and vitality? Capable of technology and science, our impact has a vast reach whether good or bad. This discussion will focus on the attitudes and practices we foster as both stewards and in dependence on nature, in the community that is Gaia.


with  Erica Klopf

An in-depth look at the design, installation, and management of gardens maintained by the crew at Florida Edible Landscaping. An explanation of each unique program design will illustrate how the needs of each client are met. She will discuss how this organization uses technology to make processes more efficient and keep communication open. Erica’s progressive approach to leadership, and its integral role in the long-term planning of the community culture of Florida Edible Landscaping, will also be outlined.

Working with Local Government to Further Systemic Change

with Malory Foster

How many permaculturalists and urban farmers find themselves hindered by municipal ordinances? More and more cities are making changes to zoning codes and ordinances due to the work of farmers and food policy councils to accommodate and encourage agriculture in the city, healthy food access, and walkable towns. We’ll explore how these changes come about via a few examples from around Florida and beyond. We will also discuss the greater arch of social change and the place of making change in local government as one piece of systemic elevation.  


with Keith Lopez

Keith will present a simple view of NVC with a direct correlation to permaculture and plants. He will lead a discussion on NVC to create and increase positive relationships and the ability to get what we want in our permaculture journey. Methods for securing indigenous rights will be discussed. A clear and open discussion with plenty of time for Q and A , this will be an introduction to NVC and opportunity to expand familiarity for those who already know it.


with Joe Pierce

Joe will present on the construction and use of rocket stoves, wood fired ovens and biochar production ovens.   Biochar has proved to be a very useful resource in long term SOIL building and can be made from readily available waste stream materials which cleans our EARTH , these materials can also be produced through proper LAND management practices.

Becoming Animal ^..^

with Katspurr Claws

A playful workshop of discovery with funny exercises for primal being, nature speak, and shapeshifting.
Anthropologically, neurologically, somatically, and therianthropically grounded with funny stories and science.
There may be handouts, but bring your own snacks.