A Storm Shelter at Peace Creek
We plan to build a simple low-cost, earth bermed, underground storm shelter mostly using recycled non-toxic materials.
We will site-source materials, recycled or repurposed as much as possible. We have a ridge running north and south, a perfect place into which to build. Tornadoes and hurricanes in our area necessitate shelters. Ours will have a low-profile, mostly underground construction to keep it safe from wind damage. The winds will dance over it with nothing to rip or overturn. The subterranean design will leave very little for falling trees to damage. The facility will rely on solar power for any electrical needs. The design will bring cool in the summer heat and warmth in the winter.
This simple shelter would also be useful as a guest bedroom for 2, or quiet retreat space in addition to being a shelter from storms. As a temporary shelter from a storm for 1-8 people (who could possibly need to sit and be cozy during the storm), it would include space for a compost toilet, and a week’s supply of food and water.
This would also be a wonderful part of the demonstration of what is possible here in Florida–using natural building materials as much as possible. It would mean not needing to leave our property for a storm, convenient to get to and stay in when tornadoes or hurricane watches and warnings go into effect. The plan is to show that anyone and everyone could do and afford something similar–especially those living in a mobile home and those who own site built homes which are also very vulnerable to tornadoes.
In October of 2019 one of the most severe tornadoes to ever hit Florida came through just 3 miles from Peace Creek causing much damage and destroying many site built homes. This reinforced the intention of Peace Creek to make this shelter a high priority.
This shelter will be offered as part of the many demonstrations and examples at Peace Creek for others to learn from the events held here on Earth-friendly living.
Send an email with your name saying
“Voting Peace Creek Storm Shelter”