O-Town Compost
O-Town Compost (OTC) wants to help you divert your food waste from the landfill and convert it into finished compost for your garden! A symbiotic relationship that’s intended to eliminate food waste in Orlando.
OTC provides subscribing customers a 5-gallon bucket with bio-based compostable liner to collect their kitchen scraps. For a small weekly or bi-weekly fee, we come to pick up the food waste from your porch, and bring it back to our facility where we produce a high-quality compost with food waste as our key feedstock. Twice a year, we’ll drop off finished compost to our paid subscribers, which is ideal for use in vegetable gardens, as potting soil, or as fertilizer for trees/shrubs. Alternatively, if subscribers would prefer to donate their share of compost, OTC has numerous partner organizations like Fleet Farming and Orlando Permaculture, who can utilize it in local community agriculture/permaculture projects.
Overall, it’s OTC’s mission to give mindful Orlando residents another option to recycle their food waste and reduce their environmental footprint, as well as give gardeners/farmers an alternative to industrially made compost you may buy from Monterrey Mushroom or Home Depot.
Other OTC services include food waste recycling at events (birthday parties, corporate events, weddings, etc.), offices, and the resale of premium worm castings and compostable wares and bags.