2018 Application for Grant Endowment from the Florida Permaculture Convergence
Intentional Community

Peanut Butter Palace
Hi everyone!
We are the Peanut Butter Palace. We are a seven member intentional community nestled in Suburbia, Orlando. Our focuses are providing an educational space, passion incubator, and a sanctuary for those looking to lead more meaningful existences. On any given day you can find us gardening, eating together, planning projects, teaching others, fermenting, and bettering ourselves. We embody the permaculture principle of valuing the margin, or the edge- we are honoring that balance between ancient, traditional practices and the pace of modern day. Ya know the deal- raised garden beds next to jungulous hugels. Parties but with wildcrafted meads. Or village mentality but in a city. Overall, we are millennials striving to make a difference.
We are in a pivotal part of our journey (five years, check!) where we are starting to think big picture- what sort of impact are we trying to make in our little Union Park, or Orlando, or Florida? Who can be impacted in a meaningful way here in this communal home we have cultivated? What do we want this place to embody in 5 years? 10 years?

Behold! The gears are turning for a deliberate permaculture design that we hope to share with you at the Convergence. We are setting the intentions to place outdoor facilities and social spaces that reflect the change we want to see. A humanure system, outdoor shower, workshop area, yoga deck, solar dehydrator, outdoor kitchen, pergola, expanded nursery, indoor expansion, amongst other elements. We have been observing and interacting sun, wind, water patterns, improving our relationship with our neighbors, and tweaking our internal governance as the foundation for this design the last five years (aka, slow and small solutions paying off)
A grant award this year would allow us to get the ball rolling with phase 1, near-future projects, to purchase needed investments of bulk foods and quality tools. We recognize both these things allow us to sustain ourselves, our action days, and our events. As proponents of the 8 different forms of capital, financial capital is one where we would like to foster and focus more energy. Every dollar will be put to use most intentionally.
Last year we were able to put up a solar setup that you can check out in the video here.
We close by saying a huge thank you to this tight knit community that continually supports each other as members of the Florida ecosystem.
Send an email with your name saying
“Voting Peanut Butter Palace”